Real Estate Success Stories

Did you know The Belt Team is your #1 choice for creating Real Estate Success Stories?  The Belt Team specializes in real estate success stories! And our clients’ satisfaction is our favorite success story! Here’s what Laura Armitage of Vienna, Virginia, wrote to us after we sold her rental house, helped her purchase her new dream home, and listed her old house: “In record time you sold our rental house, led us to settlement of our new dream home, and listed our old house for sale! The professional way that all transactions were handled really impressed me. I was impressed even more, however, by your honesty, kindness, and strong sense of values. The Belt Team is wonderful. I loved getting to work with your husband, Christy and Terry. It is the small touches that make your team so special. I know that you have been honored with many well- deserved real estate awards. Your greatest accomplishment is the wonderful family that you and your husband have raised, and the values you are living and passing on in your work and family life” . Thank you, Laura! You have made our day! What a wonderful success story! The Belt Team continues creating Success Stories. Give us a try and we’ll help you be next!

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